Galerie b2

In his second solo exhibition at Galerie b2_, Timo Hinze shows three series of his photographic work. In clear images, each of them allows for an equally reflexive, intimate and exciting look at different areas of the artist’s life. Hinze always manages to allow openness and to refer beyond his own impressions and personal contexts to the general.
This meeting between the personal and the general also characterizes the selection of series, in which there is a movement from the outside to the inside. In „Friedrichstraße“ Hinze shows sections of the very street in Berlin where he lives with his family and where he is confronted daily with current society, its goods, forms, desires and contradictions. The series „Atelier“ then shows shots of the artist’s very small study, where the different areas of his everyday life – earning money, making art, being a father – converge. The series „Erstmal Sehen“, which was created during the time when Hinze’s father fell ill and died, while at the same time his son was born and grew up, leads completely inward.
Together, the three series offer an approach to the world that does without kitsch and transfiguration, allows for astonishment and sadness, but at the same time always allows for relief at the small beauties of everyday life.

exhibition view
Friedrichstraße, 2023
archive print
35×24 cm
Friedrichstraße, 2023
archive print
48×33 cm
Friedrichstraße, 2023
archive print
29×20 cm
Friedrichstraße, 2023
archive print
48×33 cm
Friedrichstraße, 2023
archive print
42×62 cm
Friedrichstraße, 2023
archive print
70×100 cm
exhibition view
Erstmal Sehen, 2023
archive print
83×56 cm
Erstmal Sehen, 2023
archive print
83×56 cm
Erstmal Sehen, 2023
archive print
83×56 cm
Erstmal Sehen, 2023
archive print
52×40 cm
Erstmal Sehen, 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen, Apfelsaft, 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen, Pizza rechnen, 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen, 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen, Js. Bücher, 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen, Mobilé I, 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen, Mobilé II, 2023
archive print
exhibition view
Erstmal Sehen (S-Bahnhof Berlin Buch), 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen (S-Bahn), 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen (Sarkomzentrum, Helios Berlin Buch I), 2023
archive print
Erstmal Sehen (Sarkomzentrum, Helios Berlin Buch II), 2023
archive print
Atelier, 2023
Atelier, 2023
exhibition view
Erstmal Sehen (J. ist tot), 2023
archive print
99×67 cm
Friedrichstraße, 2023
archive print
42×62 cm