Contributors: Anne Diestelkamp, freelance curator (OSTEN-Festival), Joerg Franzbecker, curator,
publicist, producer in predominantly collaborative contexts (Kunstverein nGbK – AG
X Properties), Tobias Hantmann, artist (Zsf – Zeitschrift für), René Luckhardt, artist (Zsf –
Zeitschrift für), Philipp Morlock, artist (Einraumhaus, barac Mannheim), Dr Anna-Lena Wenzel,
author, artist and publicist (nGbK – AG Klassenfragen/ Produktionsbedingungen in der Kunst),
Carolina Pérez Pallares (Galerie b2_) Anna Barth, visual artist (MOTHEK), Alexandra Ivanova, author, sociologist (Other Writers Need to Concentrate), Ela Fischer, author, musician, actress, Landouma Ipè, author, performer, Magdalena Kallenberger, visual artist, author (MATERNAL FANTASIES), Micka Meléon, musician, performer, Mono Welk, choreographer: in, performer, curator (FAMILIA*FUTURA), Thị Thu Trang Nguyễn, trainer and educational consultant in the field of racism criticism and anti-discrimination, author and Karoline Schneider, visual artist (Galerie b2_)
Supported by: Stiftung Kunstfonds , Neustart Kultur, The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media