Galerie b2

Bea Meyer - BAND, 2019, 24 different ribbons, handwoven, Cotton, virgin wool, weaving comb, shuttle, signed and Hubert Becker - IN A GADDA DA. VIDA, 2019, continuous series, inkjet prints, 42×29 cm

The moment someone turns away from the actual object in order to trace instead the networks and sources that form its environment, a shift of attention takes place that is as constructive as it is beautiful. For on the one hand, the more permissible description of what is observed can take place in this way. On the other hand, it suddenly becomes clear which connections are supporting, what remains or changes – and this leads to a stronger focus on (self-)understanding, world relationship and sense of community. What is also productive here is that this shift, when applied to self-reflection, makes clear why a person is the way they are and that they do not emerge from themselves but through the frame of reference in which they operate.
Following this idea, the exhibition BAND interweaves the artistic positions of the artists Hubert Becker and Bea Meyer, who have been linked by a long friendship: a picture memory created as a by-product is shown, ribbons are woven, pictures are embroidered, connecting pieces are projected. In this tracing of the daily changing points of reference and the investigation of the constantly moving constellations and circumstances, an unusual fusion of reflection and presentation occurs. It is precisely this aspect of displaced observation that shows that we are also what surrounds us. This is the moment that makes it clear that it must always be seen as worthwhile for each individual person to follow his or her own connections.

Hubert Becker - IN A GADDA DA. VIDA, 2019, continuous series, inkjet prints, 42×29 cm
Hubert Becker - IN A GADDA DA. VIDA, 2019, continuous series, inkjet prints, 42×29 cm
Hubert Becker - IN A GADDA DA. VIDA, 2019, continuous series, inkjet prints, 42×29 cm
Bea Meyer - BAND, 2019, 3 different ribbons, handwoven, Cotton, virgin wool, weaving comb, shuttle, signed
Exhibition view Connections - 57 reactions to a request, projection, 10 min. loop
Bea Meyer – R19#2, 2019 verschiedene rote Garne, gestickt auf handgeschöpftes Papier, 80×56 cm
Bea Meyer – R19 #1, 2019 dunkelblaue Gimpe, Klosterstich rotes Acetatgarn, gestickt auf handgeschöpftes Papier 80×55 cm