What is often forgotten: Perception cannot be fully explained by language, but only paraphrased. Especially
Especially in painting it becomes clear that whoever wants to perceive has to open up. If this openness is present, purely sensual reactions occur that dissolve the boundaries between art object and viewer. The inner logic and order of what is perceived, of the artistically produced counterpart,
become obvious in this process and urge us to comprehend them. This can create an atmosphere, a space of aesthetic references in which the viewer can move. In Selma van Panhui’s exhibition Blushing Fields on Different Grounds, the underlying distinctions,
boundaries and relationships. Through precise selection of painterly possibilities – be it colour, painting ground or application of paint – the gallery space becomes a place of enabling vivid sensation.
What I often forget: When I have been surprised or touched, when I blush, I realise that it is these brief moments of sensitive perception that have made so much difference. Those who sensitise themselves will be able to discover other realities.
We often forget: Perception can’t be explained through language, it can be indicated at the most. Especially in painting it becomes clear that if you want to perceive, you have to open up. Once this receptivity is given, purely sensual reactions occur that dissolve the boundaries between the object and the observer. The inner logic and order of the perceived, of the artistically produced vis-à-vis, becomes evident in this process and an urge for their comprehension follows.This can create an atmosphere, a space of aesthetic relations, in which the viewers can now move. The focus in Selma van Panhuis‘ exhibition Blushing Fields on Different Grounds lies on the underlying distinctions, differences and relationships. Through a precise selection of the paintings‘ possibilities – whether it is colour, surface or paint-application – the gallery space becomes a place in which vivid experiences are possible. And I often forget: When I am surprised or touched, when I blush, I realize that these are the short moments of sensitive perception that have made all the difference. Whoever sensitises him or herself will be able to discover other realities.
Johannes Listewnik