It won’t get any better: while being in this dim, gloomy (and therefore definitly eerie appearing) place, they meet a sinister figure. And this while living in these days, in which not only theory proclaims “endless diagnoses of death: death of ideologies (Lyotard); of industrial society (Bell); of the real (Baudrilliard); of authorship (Barthes); of man (Foucault); of history (Kojéve)”1, but also confederations fall apart, cold and hot wars prevail the news, nature is presenting one summer of the century after another and the narrative of human progress is getting doubtful again. The protagonists are looking at the situation they are in. No dark clouds will be gathering, because soon there will be no clouds anymore. Nobody will shiver, because temperature is rising. The Future? Sinister, but rather cheerful also. While the figure approaches, the group is divided by the question if they should react “celebratory (…) or melancholic”2 or observantly distant. Maybe they should do all this simultaneously, as a mutual act. In this situation some of them might think, that this could be that kind of darkness, which one get’s wrapped into on a late summers night, while even mosquitoes turned into pleasant decoration and everybody is blissfully waiting for the next promising day soon to rise.
1 Yves-Alain Bois: Painting: The Task of Mourning. In: Yves-Alain Bois: Painting as Model, S. 229
2 Ibid.

SUE5, 2018
Lack auf Leinwand
100x70 cm

Laufband, 2015
80x126 cm

Faoeta, 2016
Acryl, Acryltransfer auf Papier
220x150 cm

ihr vertrauen: tuch, 2018
Aquarell auf Papier
147x106 cm

untitled/from the series blushing fields, 2019
Monotypie auf Hahnemühle Kupferdruckpapier
29x19,5 cm

No Rules, 2013
50x70 cm

Wolke (IMG_3264/IMG_3275/IMG_3313_invertiert), 2014
digitaler C-Print
80x60 cm

Kröte, 2019
Pigment Druck
54x71 cm

I used to work in a club, where they never came to dance, 2014
6 Blätter zur Wertigkeit von Kultur für das alltägliche Glücksempfinden
der Bevölkerung und ihre staatliche Förderung
Monotypie, Öl auf Papier
je 29,7x21 cm

Agonie des Realen, 2019
laminierter Digitaldruck
125x185 cm

Brand 2, 2015/2019
Pigment Druck
60x40 cm