o.T. No. 5, 2014, crayon drawing on paper, 40 x 30 cm
o.T. No. 6, 2014, crayon drawing on paper, 40 x 30 cm
o.T. No. 7, 2014 ,crayon drawing on paper, 40 x 30 cm
o.T. No. 9 ,2014 ,crayon drawing on paper, 40 x 30 cm

Wald (rot) 2014 linol print103 x 73 cm edition: 15 + 5 a.p.
Wald (grau) 2014 linol print103 x 73 cm edition: 15 + 5 a.p.

o.T. (60), 2014
31 Works from 60-part series
acryl on paper, collage 65 x 50 cm

o.T. No. 6 2014 Aquarell 37 x 29 cm
o.T. No. 7 2014 Aquarell 37 x 29 cm
o.T. No. 5 2014 Aquarell 37 x 29 cm
The 12 drawings shown here are the basis of the multi-coloured cliché prints in Katharina Immekus‘ current artist’s book „Shing-a-Ling“, published by Lubok Verlag, Oct. 2014.
Contrary to the usual practice “ to the exhibition, a book appears “ one can say in the case of this picture show: to the book, an exhibition appears. The works hanging in the exhibition (linoleum prints and watercolours in various formats) result directly or indirectly from the drawings or their further processing for the artist’s book. In what is now Katharina Immekus‘ third exhibition on the theme of the abstraction of nature, the motifs are sharpened and the images condensed through further processes of reflection, other techniques and even more layers of paint laid on top of each other. The result is a lively and very colourful cosmos, which at the same time conveys a calm steadfastness through deliberately controlled cuts, brushwork and strokes.