The word Tamtam has something rhythmic about it. One thinks of turmoil,
tumult and a kind of roar. The new pictures by
Katharina Immekus show a fantasy world in which things are wild and colourful.
and colourful. In the small and medium format oil paintings,
sometimes on wood, sometimes on canvas, you can recognise birds, fragments of architecture
of architecture, vegetation, sometimes all together.
Through the treatment of the surface, the application of paint,
taking away paint, painting over it again or scratching the surface.
drawing in thicker areas of colour, pictorial spaces emerge that are very
very individual and spirited. The pictures deal with different
motifs, show objects in different surroundings and
nature. There are forms, colours and structures in them, which are connected by a pulse
or a certain pitch. It seems
as if animals, stones, trees, air, water and an abstract in-between were
come together in a special, completely non-hierarchical space
and live an exciting and at the same time peaceful life there.