240×360×110 cm
Wood, plywood, screws, metal, felt, canvas, acrylic paint
The exhibition to be b2 shows art pieces by former and current members of Galerie b2_.
to be b2: Nicolai Angelov, Piotr Baran, Hubert Becker, Anke Dyes, Stefan Fischer, Doris Frohnapfel, Jay Gard, Michael Grzesiak, HAGEL, Caroline Hake, Paule Hammer, Katrin Heichel, Anna Lena von Helldorff, Katharina Immekus, Stephanie Kiwitt, Oliver Kossack, Bea Meyer, Bastian Muhr, Selma van Panhuis, Jirka Pfahl, Marion Porten & Jamika Ajalon, Christian Schellenberger, Cindy Schmiedichen, Daniel Schörnig, Tina Schulz, Ronny Szillo, Hayahisa Tomiyasu, Markus Uhr, VIP, Anna Vovan, Verena Winkelmann.
On occasion of the Spring Gallery Tour, Michael Grzesiak, gallery director of b2_ from 2007 till 2012, developed with Canvas Bar a piece of furniture designed for communication in the gallery space. The b2_ artists used this piece to show publications, answer questions and have conversations.
Alongside the exhibition the jubilee publication to be b2 is released (designed by Anna Lena von Heldorff). It combines texts from Oliver Kossack, Tina Schulz, Anke Dyes, Arne Linde, Michael Grzesiak, Barbara Steiner and Maik Schlüter – experts and fans from b2_. It shows exhibition views, remembering the last ten years of b2_ and the transformation of the space.
The graphic designers group PaMeLa, that made the title design, arranged all exhibition titles on one wall, starting from the opening in 2005 till the exhibition that is on show today.

Ready To Rumble?!, 2014
Digital Color Photo Print on Outdoor
Poster Paper, 42×59,4 cm
unlimitierte Fly Poster Edition

(from 17-part series), 2015
Fine Art Pigment Print
150×105 cm Edition: 3+1 a.

Klosterstich, beige Gimpe auf Manilahanfpapier, 67×51 cm
RB 14#5, 2014
Klosterstich, blaue Gimpe auf Manilahanfpapier, 67×51 cm

analogue photography, inkjet print on archival matte paper, 20×20 cm
35×28 cm edition: 5