Galerie b2

Part of the photo series V.II 2011/2019, 36×24cm, 9 images, pigment print
Exhibition view: V.II 2011/2019, 36×24cm, 9 images, pigment print
Part of the photo series V.II 2011/2019, 36×24cm, 9 images, pigment print
Exhibition view: V.IV 2014-2016, 105×140cm, 7 images, pigment print
Part of the photo series V.IV 2014-2016, 105×140cm, 7 images, pigment print
Part of the photo series V.IV 2014-2016, 105×140cm, 7 images, Pigment print
Part of the photo series V.IV 2014-2016, 105×140cm, 7 images, pigment print
Exhibition view: V.IV, V.III and V.V
Part of the photo series V.III 2015/2019, 60×45cm, 5 images, pigment print
Part of the photo series V.III 2015/2019, 60×45cm, 5 images, pigment print

“90 3 27” – this sequence is on the very first pictures I ever took in my life. My father⁠ gave me an used Fujica Auto 5. That was 27 years ago. He encouraged me to⁠ document our upcoming family vacation. I was eight years old, and the first⁠ photograph shows our plane waiting at the airport.⁠
On the next day, March 28th, 1990, we visited the zoo in Hong Kong. I was really⁠ excited – not only because of the animals, but also because it was the first time I had⁠ my own camera with me at the zoo. I took pictures of things that caught my eye and⁠ fascinated me: an airplane, a train, birds, a crocodile show, and so on.⁠
A couple of days later, my father came home from work with a plastic bag in his hand.⁠ It had the logo of the photo store on it. I could tell from the look on his face what⁠ was in the bag. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the photographs I took, and I⁠ couldn’t forget how much fun I had taking pictures of the world. The smile on my⁠ father’s face and the plastic bag – these are nice memories.
I ran up to him, grabbed⁠ the plastic bag out of his hands, tore it open, and looked at the pictures. I started⁠ screaming like I never did before.⁠ “SHIT. SHIT. Are these REALLY the pictures I took? SHIT, SHIT. I can’t see ANYTHING.⁠ They don’t tell me ANYTHING about the zoo and what happened there. I had other⁠ pictures in my mind. Why are the birds so tiny? Why didn’t I see these bars? SHIT.⁠ Photography is USELESS.”⁠ This picture reminds me of my first experience of being disappointed in not only⁠ myself, but also in photography and its results. Looking back, I understand that this⁠ was just the first disappointment of many to come.⁠ ⁠

Translation: Rieke Jordan⁠

Hayahisa Tomiyasu

Part of the photo series V.V 2019, 24×16cm, 15 images, pigment print
Genzai Chi 13 leaflets, digital print, edition 20