Aquarium, 2022
Öl auf Holz
63 × 97 cm
We can look back on a successful 2022 and once again see ourselves encouraged that we can achieve more as a collective. One of the highlights was the joint exhibition “ Herberge“ at Spriten Kunsthall in Skien/Norway. Also the many exciting exhibitions in our space, the exhibition participations of b2 artists far beyond, as well as the collaborations with other art spaces, have enriched our year. We are very happy about this. With this retrospective we would like to thank you, our supporters, patrons, collectors, friends and colleagues!
We wish you all happy holidays, a happy new year, a happy new year and a solidary cooperation!
Love, b2_

Oil on canvas, 75 × 55 cm
2.600,- Euro

chrysanthemum 5, 2021
iPad Drawing, C-Print, 50 × 32 cm
850,- Euro

We started the year with Endlich keine Freunde mehr, the first solo exhibition of Christian Bär and the launch of our new website. After that, we were able to take an intimate look at Selmas van Panhuis‘ working methods and environment in Studio, with digital drawings being a key innovation for her. Aleksi Wildhagen and Verena Winkelmann jointly staged an unusual mix in the gallery with Local Field / Lunch in Norwegian. The following exhibition Turn by Caroline Hake, which dealt with the change of the social place of the shopping mall, was recently handed over almost completely to the Sammlung zeitgenössischer Kunst der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. We are very happy about this.

Mein drittes Ich, 2022
oil on canvas
34 × 43 cm
2.300,- Euro

Erstmal Sehen, 2022
Archive Print
45 × 30 cm
850,- Euro

Erstmal Sehen, 2022
Archive Print
45 × 30 cm
850,- Euro

Erstmal Sehen, 2022
Archive Print
50 × 37 cm
850,- Euro

Field 6, 2022
C-Print, 63 × 43,5 cm, 5+1 AP
1.700,- Euro

Chandelier, 2022
C-Print, 60 × 40 cm, 5+1 AP
900,- Euro

labeler, 2022
C-Print, 60 × 40 cm, 5+1 AP
900,- Euro

shoes, 2022
C-Print, 60 × 40 cm, 5+1 AP
900,- Euro

Der Quilt I, 2022
Watercolour on paper, 70 × 100 cm
€2.750,- Euro

Zu spät, zu früh, 2021
Watercolor on Paper
35,3 × 27,2 cm
1.000,- Euro

Breakfast with plon, 2021
glazed ceramics
porcelain, chalk, poplar, milk powder, millet, sugar
50 × 100 × 180 cm
75000,- Euro
set of large plate, cup and small plate and evaporator
kryte blido 2, 2021-2022
glazed ceramics
1200,- Euro

evaporator, 2020
glazed ceramics
20 × 15 × 15 cm
400,- Euro

L6, 2016
various yarns grey
black embroidered on Manila hemp paper, framed
30,2 × 31,5 cm
1.300,- Euro
With Anna M. Kempe’s Das Innere der Faust (The Interior of Faust“), another intimate and prescient-reflective exhibition followed in June. After that, we were able to take a more relaxed approach in August and showed works by Christian Bär, Zora Berweger, Anica Kehr, Dagmar Rauwald and Rahel Pötsch in the smooth group exhibition la suée. That the b2_ is a place for the presentation of uncompromising artistic practice was again impressively demonstrated at the latest for the autumn tour of the Spinnereigaleries by the fresco works of Carolina Pérez-Pallares in her first b2_ solo exhibition Die Farbe teilt ihre ungerechte Haltung.

L10, 2016
various yarns grey
black embroidered on Manila hemp paper, framed
30,2 × 31,5 cm
1.300,- Euro

L9, 2016
various yarns grey
black embroidered on Manila hemp paper, framed
30,2 × 31,5 cm
1.300,- Euro

Hey Moon (Drawing 02), 2022
Ink pen/acrylic marker on paper
21 × 14,8 cm21 × 14,8 cm
650,- Euro

Hey Moon (Drawing 07), 2022
Ink pen/acrylic marker on paper
21 × 14,8 cm21 × 14,8 cm
650,- Euro

Hey Moon (Drawing 08), 2022
Ink pen/acrylic marker on paper
21 × 14,8 cm21 × 14,8 cm
650,- Euro

From the series "Fotoskripte" (1994), film montages
B/W Barytabzug (2021)
Motif: 30,5, × 22,5 cm, sheet: 35 × 28 cm
850,- Euro

Don‘t like you anymore, 2022
Oil on canvas, 70×50 cm
3.000,- Euro

Don‘t tell me I‘m close to you, 2022
Oil on canvas, 170×150 cm
8.000,- Euro

Asphalt, 2021-2022
24 × 30 cm
Watercolour, acrylic, acrylic transfer on paper
50 × 32 cm. 5+1

Asphalt, 2021-2022
24 × 30 cm
Watercolour, acrylic, acrylic transfer on paper

Asphalt, 2021-2022
24 × 30 cm
Watercolour, acrylic, acrylic transfer on paper

Asphalt, 2021-2022
24 × 30 cm
Watercolour, acrylic, acrylic transfer on paper

Condition Humaine 2 (after Magritte), 2008
High Glossy Print 30 × 47 cm
1.200,- Euro
The group show Gespenster followed with works by Romy Julia Kroppe, Daniela Junghans and Made By Us, which dealt with current problems of the Anthropocene and let b2_ once again become a platform for colleagues. With the opening of Michael Hahn’s exhibition Hold Your Horses and a new group photo, we were able to bring the year to a fitting close.

In 2023, Galerie b2 will be a proud 18 years old. We are looking forward to the year and everything that is to come, such as our exciting workshop and symposium program, which we will realize parallel to our exhibition program. We are also planning a large summer group exhibition, an edition with all the artists of the gallery and a comprehensive book about the last years. We are looking forward to everything that is coming and are very excited about what the new year has in store for us.
We are looking forward to 2023 with you!
All prices incl. 19% VAT, plus transport.
Photos: Georg Brückmann, Stefan Fischer and Björn Siebert, Copyright Gallery b2_ and the artists.